Dispensation Scheme

At the Council meeting on Thursday 16th May 2019, the Parish Council reviewed and adopted their Dispensation Scheme, which is linked to the Code of Conduct for all Councillors.  Both were originally adopted in July 2012.

In simple terms, the Dispensation Scheme allows for Members who may have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or a Prejudicial Interest in an agenda item for discussion at a meeting of Council or any of its Committees; to apply for a Dispensation to allow them to take part in that section of the meeting.

Section 4 of the Scheme states that dispensations may only be granted by the  Authority’s Proper Officer, acting on a written request from a Member. Sections 5 gives the legal criteria and section 9 good practice in considering an application for a dispensation.

The Parish Council’s Dispensation Scheme can be seen below
Code of Conduct dispensation scheme May 2024